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Guild Bank



You are free to get any item from guild bank as long as you deposit the same value in gold or other items.

The only players able to withdraw:

Guild Leader, Guild Master, "Fabulous", "King" and "Tech".






Members are totally free to decide whether they want to donate.

Any gold/item donated will be used 100% on guild expenses such as crafting, quests, enchanting etc.


If guild players are in dungeons don't expect to recive a fast response from them. The only thing you can do is to whisper or wait for them to finish the dungeon.

If nobody can go in dungeons and you have no time to wait LFG is always the best option!


If you still need gear you can always ask politely for runs telling everyone what item you need.


For hard mode dungeons ensure that you have a proper party and always bring consumables just in case.


There is no shame in wipes! This is the way you learn.


If you have technical difficulties and your game crashes make sure to drop a note on guild's Skype to let everyone know you're fine.

Guild Chat

Guild chat is a place to interact with other guild mates, have fun, tell a joke, talk to a friend or get down to business and build a party for dungeons so keep it that way.




Try not to offend anyone, be polite and always help the one in need. Discord is a friendly guild so elitism is not welcomed in our chat. If you have a problem with someone in guild look for the Guild Master and explain the situation in detail to find a solution to your problem. Never humiliate a guild mate, we are your friends not your enemies.


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