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Here are listed people that caused harm to our Guild or Guild mates. If you want to report someone talk to your Guild Leader or Master and inform them about your problem.

*Proof is needed*



!!Miauchan/Chérie/ Miau-chan/Miu-chan/Meow-chan!!! - threatening, blocking and reporting everyone in Discord for no real reason. Please stay away and do not answer her whispers, mails or questions.



Meinhild: stole items in dungeon in a Guild run then lied about it.

Saikusor: flaming, raging and bothering guild members.

Cassiol: rolling on reserved items in dungeons after he agreed to pass.

Pixiebell/ Biozerk: Trolling Discord members for no reason.

Sorachuu: Tera Club scammer

Painexpert: Threatening, humiliating people and being rude.

Yukimarunu: Tera Club scammer.

Waga/ Lancelinu: abusing the guild.

Nirc/ Luxanya: Creating drama, threat to the guild. 

Mzn: Rolling on reserved items in dungeons

Monyaa/ Kuleczka:Threatening the guild and turning parties into raids inside the dungeon then leaves.

Anfissa/Levyana: Drama, Rude

Browart: Roll reserved gear!

Serarita:  Roll reserved gear!

Eatmyballss: Roll reserved gear!

Girlrain: Roll reserved item!

Shippouu; All above!



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